SVI is working in partnership with SCIPS (Sandwell Community Information and Participation Service) to seek the views of the blind and visually impaired community around evacuation plans from high-rise buildings. This is part of a government consultation, following on from the Grenfell public enquiry. It will affect future legislation. We want to make sure that your views are heard. The consultation closes on 19 July 2021.
It has been four years since the Grenfell tragedy, which had a grave impact upon lives, and the community of Grenfell. In the wake of the tragedy there has been a public inquiry. Phase one of the inquiry has made several recommendations and is having a significant impact to social housing legislation. One of the recommendations from the inquiry so far has been Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs), for residents living in high rise residential buildings. PEEPs are evacuation plans prepared in advance of an emergency for people who may require assistance to leave a building in the event of a fire. PEEPs could be in place for anyone who is identified as needing assistance to leave a building. This could be someone who is elderly, frail, a person with a disability or someone who has a temporary injury such as a broken limb, which impacts on their ability to leave a building safely in the event of a fire emergency.
PEEPs are more often used within places of employment. The publication of Phase 1 of the Grenfell enquiry has made a recommendation ‘that the owner and manager of every high-rise residential building be required by law to prepare personal emergency evacuation plans (PEEPs) for all residents whose ability to self-evacuate may be compromised (such as persons with reduced mobility or cognition)’. As a direct result of the recommendation, proposals are now being considered as to how PEEPs may be used for tenants and residents living within high rise accommodation.
On 8 June 2021 the government published a consultation paper about PEEPs. The consultation closes on 19 July. The general public are being invited to provide comment on four proposals within the consultation document. The outcome of the feedback given is to devise legislation to extend PEEPs to high rise accommodation by the autumn of 2021. Responses to the consultation are being sought out from anyone who has an interest. Including tenants, residents, groups or other interested parties such as key stakeholders.
Have your say
As members of the blind and VI community, you are all key stakeholders and may have an interest in responding to this consultation. Particularly if you currently live or might at some time live in high-rise accommodation. There are three ways which you can respond to the consultation.
- For anyone who is confident with their digital skills, information about the consultation can be found here.
- If you prefer, you can call SVI on 0121 525 4810 and we can arrange to complete the consultation over the phone with you.
- For anyone else who would like to respond to the consultation but would prefer to use a paper document, you can contact SCIPS directly on 0121 544 1230 and they can provide further support and assistance.
Since the Grenfell tragedy there has been a consistent drive to try and learn from the mistakes that were made, and implement change to prevent such a tragedy from ever happening again. Sharing your thoughts, knowledge and expertise via consultation is a valued contribution to the wider efforts and helps ensure that the support you are offered is what you want and need.
Please contact SVI or SCIPS if you need to enquire about the consultation process.