“Vision really matters. Sight is the sense people fear losing the most, yet many of us don’t know how to look after our eyes – National Eye Health Week aims to change all that!”
It’s National Eye Health Week from 21 to 27 September 2020. Sandwell Visually Impaired will be spreading the ‘vision matters’ message via our Facebook page and through Sandwell Council’s social media. Anyone can access our Facebook page, whether you have a Facebook account or not. So take a look. #eyeweek #visionmatters
It’s important that we look after our eyes, even in the midst of a pandemic. Early detection and treatment is vital to prevent avoidable sight loss. If you notice a change in your vision or have any concerns about your eye health call your local optician because vision matters.
- 2 million people in the UK are living with sight loss, that is severe enough to have a significant impact on their daily lives. Half of this sight loss is avoidable.*
Why does your vision matter to you?
Live Well – See Well
If you or someone you know lives in Sandwell and is worried about your/their sight, contact us. SVI has funding from Awards For All to provide support and information over the phone or on your doorstep. Watch our video to see how the national lottery have supported us over the last couple of years pre COVID.
Social distancing matters
Social distancing matters! Please leave space, think about people who can’t see so well – have you thought about what walking in a large crowd can be like if you are visually impaired? Earlier this year photographer Karren Visser ran workshops with Sandwell College photography students and Sandwell Visually Impaired members as part of our ongoing collaboration, and this GIF is the work of former student Angela Grabowskaa.
“My problem is, although I have a bit of sight in my left eye, I have none in my right eye, so as people come across me they are invisible until they are right in front of me. The video tried to show this.
“When I’m moving my cane I sweep, more to the right because that’s the side I can’t see. The students put the camera down low as I was walking and tried to emulate that in the shot.” – Terry Burling
With thanks to Angela Grabowskaa, Terry Burling (SVI) and David Waldron (course lead for Photography at Sandwell College) and Multistory.
Why does your vision matter?
We asked our Sandwell Talking News volunteer readers why their vision matters to them. Here’s what they said:
Visit visionmatters.org.uk for tips, guides and other information about how to keep your eyes healthy. There’s an eye health calculator, sight loss simulator, diet tips and much more.
* Future Sight Loss UK (1): The economic impact of partial sight and blindness in the UK adult population, Access Economics PTY Ltd, June 2009