Could you offer telephone befriending to blind and visually impaired people living in Sandwell who are isolated and less able to get out and take part in community activities? Optional face-to-face contact may sometimes be appropriate as part of this role. Each visually impaired person we support has their own individual needs and abilities.
- You will provide a listening ear and a friendly voice at the end of the phone.
- You will liaise with SVI as appropriate to answer any questions the person has about services or support.
- You will respect the person’s privacy and maintain confidentiality.
- You should be a good listener, and have patience and empathy.
Time commitment: Two hours, every week or fortnight.
Day and times: To be negotiated depending on the individual.
Location: Calls can be made from home.
We will provide sighted guide and visual impairment awareness training.
You will receive safeguarding training.
Travel and other out of pocket expenses will be met.
A Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check may be required.
Name of main contact: Nigel Self, SVI Volunteer’s coordinator
Phone: 0121 525 4810