Trustees and staff of SVI send out a big thank you to everyone who has so kindly responded to our masks appeal. So far we have received over 50 reusable masks and a further 1000 disposable medical/care masks.
Amongst the donors who got handy with a needle and cotton were our very own members Ian and Donna, as well as kind members of the public and local firms handling PPE.
We have had lots of enquiries and offers from willing helpers who are going to send their hand-made washable masks to us, so we are expecting more to come.
We will announce a full list of donors’ first names and the companies who have supported us in this appeal over the next few weeks.
Washable masks will be sorted and sent out to SVI members and Talking News listeners very soon, so please keep a look out for a useful gift from SVI to you.
The disposable masks will help us to help our members once we are able to get out in the community when the masks will be used by our volunteers to ensure that you and them are kept safe.