Week of Jan 13th
MonMonday | TueTuesday | WedWednesday | ThuThursday | FriFriday | SatSaturday | SunSunday |
Monday 13 January 2025(2 events)
1:00 pm: ‘Beat it’ Percussion - sound bath sessions1:00 pm: ‘Beat it’ Percussion - sound bath sessions – Free Sound Bath sessions starting Monday 6 January – 1 pm to 2.30 pm. for 6 weeks. Beat It Percussion’s sound relaxation sessions offer you an unusual and effective way to experience deep relaxation. Each session is approximately one hour and there will be time afterwards for a cuppa and a chat. Booking is essential. Call the office or contact Sue on 07519 780363 or email susan.b@sandwellvisuallyimpaired.org.uk 5:00 pm: Women’s Group Zoom session5:00 pm: Women’s Group Zoom session – A relaxed virtual get together for friendly chat and mutual support at our first SVI women's group meeting of 2025. Now that the Town Hall refurbishment is finished, we can discuss if we want to restart our face-to-face women’s group meetings and what guests we would like to invite, what craft or practical sessions we would be interested in doing and what trips would appeal to you for this year. Please call or email the office to let us know you are interested, and we will send you a Zoom link. |
Tuesday 14 January 2025(2 events)
10:00 am: Supported gym session10:00 am: Supported gym session – Come to Portway and get some free support on the gym equipment. Meet at 9.45am in the main reception area. As the gym has recently been refurbished, for the first couple of weeks in 2025, we will be giving more support in the use of the new equipment that is accessible to us. Contact SVI to let us know you are coming. 3:00 pm: Swimming session at West Bromwich Leisure Centre3:00 pm: Swimming session at West Bromwich Leisure Centre – Whether you are a good swimmer or just want to splash about, come along and join in. SVI helpers and volunteers are on hand to support you. This is a shared session so other disabled swimmers will also be in the pool. Contact SVI to let us know you are coming. |
Wednesday 15 January 2025(1 event)
10:30 am: Men's wellbeing session10:30 am: Men's wellbeing session – Beyond Equality are delivering a set of 2-hour workshops over three weeks chatting about relationships, friendships and exploring life from a man’s point of view. This will be a ‘male-only’ space where you will be able to share your experiences and views in a safe place – with light refreshments thrown in. The Wednesday dates are as follows: 15 January, 22 January and 29 January 2025 between 10.30 am and 12.30pm. Call the office or contact Sue on 07519 780363 or email susan.b@sandwellvisuallyimpaired.org.uk |
Thursday 16 January 2025(1 event)
10:30 am: Showdown session10:30 am: Showdown session – Showdown is a fast-moving sport, with similarities to table tennis and air hockey. It was designed for people with a visual impairment, but anyone can play. Come along to one of our sessions and try it out for yourself. Wear comfortable clothing and flat non-slip footwear. Contact SVI to book your place. |
Friday 17 January 2025
Saturday 18 January 2025
Sunday 19 January 2025