We wish you a happy, healthy and peaceful 2020. It’s a new year, a new decade and there has never been a better time to start doing more things. Over the next three months we’ve got plenty of activities and events coming up – old favourites and new. We’ve also got exciting news about successful grant applications for new services to start this year.
Have a look at our calendar of events to find out more. Or look at our pages about our groups and our activities.
Funding success
Town-based support groups
Thanks to a grant from the Esmee Fairbairn EPIC programme, SVI will be coming to your town shortly. Our members have asked us to provide more support closer to where they live. Our town based support groups will be launched over the next few months. They will take place every six weeks. We are looking for members who would like to volunteer to work with our staff and sighted volunteers to take the lead on these groups.
Our first group will be launched in Wednesbury on Friday 31 January 2020 at South Staffs Water Community Hub, Union Street. Drop in for a chat and to find out about local services near to your home between 10.30 and 12.00pm.
Helping Hands – Information and Support Service
We’re delighted to tell you that we’ve been awarded a small grant from the Wesleyan Foundation to extend our help and support to visually impaired people, their families and friends/carers. This service will build on the work of our Information and Support Worker, Cassie.
If you would like information and/or support, then give us a ring or drop us an email. We can help with the completion of forms and applications, help you to access on-line services, give accurate and timely information on a wide range of topics and provide support and advocacy to get you through a tough time. We can often help you ourselves but if not, we can offer you guidance on who can and make a referral on your behalf for specialist support if you need more help.