Touchy Feely Arts and Crafts Project
Join us for our themed Arts and Crafts workshops. We have already got crafty with spooky Halloween art and lovely festive table decorations for Christmas. Coming up are workshops themed on Valentine’s Day and St Patricks Day’ Call the office to find out more.
SVI choir
Fancy singing in a choir – call us to register your interest.
Music of our lives
Come along to our informal lunchtime music and reminiscence session, taking place on Wednesday 12 February from 12.30pm to 2pm at our base at West Bromwich Town Hall. Bring along a CD of your favourite tunes or just tell us their names and we can down load them and get ready to share memories of times past but not forgotten.
Photography Project
At this February’s Tea and Toast, photographer Karren Visser will share her new arts project in collaboration with Multistory, which will explore sensory photography and challenge traditional ways of seeing. Throughout 2020 Karren will be running workshops with people and communities in Sandwell and the project will result in a multi-sensory exhibition and launch event in Summer 2020.
There are lots of ways to be involved including photographing, being photographed, sharing your experiences of living in Sandwell with sight impairment and taking part in creative workshops led by Karren. We hope that you would like to participate, and we invite you to join us in meeting Room C in the Town Hall to discuss how you or spouses, carers, friends and family might be involved.
Barber Institute
We run trips to the Barber Institute in Birmingham evey year. The next date is to be arranged. Contact the office for more information and to register.